Sunday, December 7, 2008

Winner of Traditional Art Contest

Ok so here it is the second contest successfully completed. well didnt get much participations in it. but wht we get was gud !!! so here are teh results below. its an average result of all the votings.

Legendaryssjn09 Link to Submission 6.7/10

Dante Link to Submission 8.1/10

ChiChi1 Link to Submission 7/10

So the winner is:


Link to Submission

Profile Link

Winner's Prize :D

  1. Three Months Unlimited Ultra Super Saiyan Account. (Which costs 25$ for free)

  2. You will be given Desktop application of the community which u can use like msn messenger but for this community only. u can see online ppl send message view gallery etc.

  3. Work will be displayed on the homepage for two months!!

  4. Your DA or other site links will be advertised daily in the community.

  5. One Month DA subscription.


Blasting Art Inc. Anime Art

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